Mouth-Watering Mashed Potatoes
Prairie Gold Potato Granules are also among the most versatile foods in the world! Whether prepared in instant mashed form or used as a thickener or binding ingredient in other foods, Prairie Gold Produce’s Potato Granules make life more delicious! Besides making mouth watering mashed potatoes, Potato Granules can also be used for:
Softer and Fluffier Bread, Buns and Rolls
Making Gnocchi with a Lighter Texture
Bread Crumbs or a Light, Crispy Panko Coating on Onion Rings, Chicken Strips, Fish Filets or Pork Cutlets
Topping for Shephard’s Pie, Stews or Casseroles
Thickening Soups and Sauces
A Binder for Meatloaf and Meatballs
You can use Prairie Gold Produce Potato
Granules in just about anything!